Wednesday 1 June 2016


1 A egg whites, apprv 38g
50g caster sugar
3 drop rice vinegar

40g almond ground
60g icing sugar

2 drops blue food coloring

1 A 蛋白 约38g
细砂糖 50g
3 滴米醋

糖霜 60g
杏仁粉 40g

2 滴蓝色素

Chocolate butter cream

1. Preheat oven to 200ºC.
2. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper and have a pastry bag with a plain tip (about 1/2-inch, 12 mm) ready.
3. Grind together the powdered sugar with the almond powder and cocoa so there are no lumps; use a blender or food processor. Then sift the mixture into a large bowl and discard the larger lumps.
4. Using a mixer beat the egg whites & vinegar until they begin to rise and hold their shape. While whipping, beat in the granulated sugar until very stiff and firm, about 2 minutes.
5. Fold the dry ingredients, in two batches, into the beaten egg whites with a rubber spatula. When the mixture is smooth and there are no streaks of egg white, stop folding and scrape the batter into the pastry bag.
6. Pipe the batter on the parchment-lined baking sheets in 1-inch (2.5 cm) circles evenly spaced one-inch (2.5cm) apart.
7. Rap the baking sheet a few times firmly on the counter top to flatten the macarons, and remove air bubbles (use toothpick).
8. Allow the macarons to sit for 25-40 minutes until a “skin” forms and they are no longer wet when lightly touched.
9. Bake them for 6-7 minutes @ 200C, reduce the temperature to 170C for another 8-12 minutes.
10. Let the macarons cool completely on the baking sheet before removing them gently from the parchment paper or silpad.
11. Spread a bit of jam/any filling on the inside of the macarons then sandwich them together. Store in air tight container and chill if no consume.

1. 先將蛋白&米醋打15秒至起泡,然後將砂糖一半份量加入,打30秒,再落餘下一半,打至拿起打蛋器尾巴呈現挺立的狀態即可。

2. 杏仁粉+糖霜+可可粉先用篩篩兩次,再加入蛋白中用膠棒拌混至沒有粉狀。用橡皮刮刀从底部往上翻拌,使粉类和蛋白完全混合均匀 ,直到蛋白糊呈現緩慢流動而且滴落下來會有明顯摺疊痕跡 (不可以攪拌過久),加入挤袋中。

3. 利用白紙先畫好圖樣放在牛油紙下,挤出一個個馬卡龍。挤完后,烤盘拍拍几下,使用牙签穿破如果有气泡。

4. 放在室溫下風乾25-40分鐘或用風筒吹乾(視乎天氣濕度而定 / 放在阴凉通风处风干表皮,等到触碰表皮,丝毫不粘手,说明风干完毕,這點非常重要,有沒有裙邊就靠表皮起的薄膜哦,確定不黏手就可入爐。)

5. 放入预热好的200度烤箱中,中层烤大概6-7分钟,裙边大概会在6分钟左右出现,烤箱调整到170,再烤8-10分钟,放凉后再轻轻取下马卡龙,沾上果酱或花生酱,两片粘在一起,就完成了。收进罐子里和冷藏。

*makes 16pc of 1.8" round macarons

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