
1. 美式奶油霜 American Buttercream
This is basically a combination of beaten butter, powdered sugar, and flavoring(s). It is by the far the simplest and easiest buttercream, but can often have a very sweet one-note flavor profile.
配方:Unsalted Butter 无盐黄油:250g
          Icing Sugar 糖粉: 500g
          Milk 牛奶:30-50g
          Food Flavoring 调味:适量

2. 法式奶油霜 French buttercream

Again, requires a similar method to Swiss and Italian but contains egg yolks instead of egg whites. It can be the most difficult to make, as it requires cooking a hot syrup then drizzling it into egg yolks, which can scramble easily. It’s ultra rich and smooth but may result in the consumption of raw eggs.
 配方:Unsalted Butter 无盐黄油:250g
           Granulated Sugar 细砂糖: 100g
           Milk 牛奶:30g
           Cream 奶油:70g
           Egg Yolk 蛋黄:3个
           Food Flavoring 调味:适量

3. 意式奶油霜 Italian Meringue Buttercream
Similar to Swiss, but is made by cooking a sugar syrup and carefully drizzling it into an egg white mixture. However, it contains raw eggs, which doesn’t bother me but may be unsafe for some people to consume.
  配方:Unsalted Butter 无盐黄油:250g
            Granulated Sugar 细砂糖: 100g(一半放在蛋白中,一半做糖水)
            Water 水:30g
            Egg White 蛋白:3个
            Food Flavoring 调味:适量

4. 瑞式奶油霜 Swiss Meringue Buttercream
This is made by whipping a mixture of egg whites and sugar that has been gently heated in a double boiler until the sugar dissolves and the eggs are cooked. The egg white mixture is then whipped up into a beautiful glossy meringue. Cubes of butter are then gradually added to the meringue, then flavor ingredients.  
配方:Unsalted Butter 无盐黄油:230g
          Granulated Sugar 细砂糖: 135g
          Egg white 蛋白:3个(large)
          Food Flavoring 调味:适量
做法:1) 找个大锅,装半锅水,加热到沸腾。
          2) 将蛋白放入搅拌钢盆打至气泡,慢慢加入糖,低速搅拌至色泽变浅气泡变细密。
          3) 把搅拌钢盆放入大锅里,隔水打发(60C)至光滑、粘液状、气泡细密至举起搅拌器时会滴垂成一线,就停止隔水加热。继续打发至完全冷却,蛋白霜打到湿性发泡,将切丁牛油(冷而软的状态)加入(一次加入一块牛油)继续中速打发。

adapted @ xiachufang , handletheheat

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