1. Shortbread
依照口感需求的不同,水油皮和油酥的比例可以3:1 、 2:1 、 3:2 或 1:1 去调制,油酥比例愈高,成品就愈松酥,反之成品会比较硬脆酥。一般情况下,水油皮中面粉、水和油脂的比例大约为5 :2~2.5: 1 ~1.25, 而油酥中面粉和油脂的比例通常为2 :1 。
- 大包酥:制作是将整块水油皮包入整块油酥,然后桿開折叠3层,再桿開,再重复桿叠后卷成圆筒形,用快刀由一端开始切下所需厚薄的面皮。这方法制作速度快,但层次相对小包酥而言不易起得均匀和清晰。(abit similar as folding pastry, but only fold into fourth for two times.)
- 小包酥: 制作是先将水油皮和油酥分成所需大小剂子后,用一张水油皮包1块油酥,然后桿长、卷起,再顺长卷起成面皮。这做法速度慢,效率低,但桿制方便,层次易起得清晰。
注:做酥皮点心据说用猪油做出来效果最好,最酥松。其次是酥油(Shortening,是一种无水奶油,也叫白油)。 液体状的植物油酥松效果比较差强人意。 用无盐奶油 (Unsalted butter)的话, 起酥效果也不够好,无盐奶油里含的水分(乳清Whey)正是影响酥松的直接原因。
无水奶油的英文为Clarified Butter, 是由奶油提炼的, 其中不含水分及盐份。味道香浓, 做出来的酥皮象猪油做出来的一样酥松. 无水奶油在卖烘焙材料的地方也可以找到, 但价钱贵。
自制无水奶油的方法-> 将无盐奶油用小火煮化后,先将最上层白色泡泡用汤匙取走后离火。
剩下的奶泡和乳清不要丢掉,浪费了可惜. 留着加到别的食品里, 比如面包,奶黄馅, 意大利面面酱等等, 这可是天然的奶味香料。
1. 油酥麵皮由冰箱取出,平均分割成约6份,搓成圓形
2. 將油皮麵皮平均分割成6份,搓成圓形
3. 桿開油皮麵皮,包上一個油酥麵皮,收口捏緊.將包好的麵團壓一下杆成橢圓形薄片,光滑面在下,捲起,蓋上保鲜纸或湿布,休息10分鐘
4. 將休息好的麵團杆成長形後翻面,捲起,蓋上保鲜纸或湿布,再讓麵團休息20分鐘
5. 步骤<4>的麵團可以分成3种普遍的成型方法:
- 明酥- 圆酥:用刀子從中間部份横切一刀,成為2個麵團。 切面朝外,稍微按扁后,杆成圓形薄片,中間放上馅料,收口捏緊成圓形。 圆酥的成品不可刷蛋液,不然纹路会不清晰。 (method 1)
- 明酥- 直酥:用刀子顺长切一刀,成為2個麵團。把有纹路的切口向下稍微按扁后,杆开成圆皮。包入馅料,收口捏緊。 直酥的成品不可刷蛋液,不然纹路会不清晰。(method 2)
- 暗酥:接口朝上,以食指按壓中間,再將對角向中間收成圓形然後放上馅料,再以虎口收緊。(method 3)
2. Pastry / Croissant
1. transfer dough to lightly floured counter and roll into rectangle with the long side parallel to edge of counter.
2. Get the slab of butter from the fridge and unwrap butter.
3. Place the butter in center of dough. Fold both sides of dough over butter so they meet in center. Press seam together with fingertips.
3. Place the dough square so one of the sides of the square is facing you and place the butter slab on it with a 45 degree angle to the dough so a point of the butter square is facing you. Fold a flap of dough over the butter, so the point of the dough reaches the center of the butter. Do the same with the three other flaps. The edges of the dough flaps should slightly overlap to fully enclose the butter. With the palm of your hand lightly press the edges to seal the seams.
1. Roll out the dough to a rectangle shape (eg: 20x60cm). Start rolling from the center of the dough towards the edges, and not from one side of the dough all the way to the other side. Aim at lengthening the dough instead of making it wider and try to keep all edges as straight as possible.
2. Fold into thirds like a business letter. Cover with clingfilm and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
3. Repeat the rolling and folding two more times (ending up with 27 layers in total), each time rolling until the dough is about 20 cm x 60 cm. After each fold you should turn the dough 90 degrees before rolling again.
4. After the second turn, again give it a 30 minute rest in the fridge. After the third turn you leave the dough in the fridge for 2 hours or overnight.
(Note: may fold into fourth for first two times and fold into third for last folding.)
->Roll out to 20 cm x 60 cm, fold into thirds
->Refrigerate 30 minutes
->Rotate 90 degrees
->Roll out to 20 cm x 60 cm, fold into thirds
->Refrigerate 30 minutes
->Rotate 90 degrees
->Roll out to 20 cm x 60 cm, fold into thirds
->Refrigerate 2 hour or overnight
->Rotate 90 degrees
->Roll out to 20 cm x 110 cm (for dividing and shaping)
3. Bread / Toast
My first time on video recording.. I had to take the video on my own on kneading the dough using hand mixer with dough hook attached.. So with my right hand i was kneading and with my left, struggling to take a video!
Shaping Dough: After the dough has doubled in size, transfer the dough to worktop, gently press the heel of your palm into the dough to force some gas out of it, quickly knead for 1-2 mins (may use roller). This method suit for making bread and mantou.
At this point, depending on own preferences, you can:
1) shape your bread into a large sandwich loaf; or
2) divide the dough into smaller pieces (can scale to make sure they’re equal) and roll them up into bread rolls.
1) shape your bread into a large sandwich loaf; or
2) divide the dough into smaller pieces (can scale to make sure they’re equal) and roll them up into bread rolls.
Instructions on how to shape a loaf of smaller rolls by divided it evenly into 4 small pieces:
i) At this step, the dough is very smooth and not sticky at all (if it still feels sticky, can add some more coating flour). Roll each peace out into thin rectangles. When rolling, the dough may slightly spring back, which is a normal phenomenon. The best way to deal with this is rolling out all 4 pieces, then letting them rest for 2-3 mins so the stretched gluten strings can “rest”. Then come back to the first piece, roll them again before shaping, the dough should be less springy by now.
i) At this step, the dough is very smooth and not sticky at all (if it still feels sticky, can add some more coating flour). Roll each peace out into thin rectangles. When rolling, the dough may slightly spring back, which is a normal phenomenon. The best way to deal with this is rolling out all 4 pieces, then letting them rest for 2-3 mins so the stretched gluten strings can “rest”. Then come back to the first piece, roll them again before shaping, the dough should be less springy by now.
ii) Roll the dough along the longer edge (or fold each 1/3 or ¼ of the dough over one another). We will get a “fat roll” then.
iii) With a roller, flatten each of these fat rolls and roll them up again to get the final roll.
iv) After you’ve finished shaping all the rolls, line them up inside the loaf pan. If your pan isn’t non-stick, grease the inside with either melted butter or oil so the bread won’t stick into the pan
4. 哪类面食需要冷水和面?哪些需要热水和面?
ii)需要热水和面: 灌汤包、春饼、蒸饺、虾饺、小笼包等,看起来晶莹剔透的面食。.热水会让面粉里的蛋白质变性,让面团失去筋性,那么用热水和面的烫面就是追求失去筋性之后柔软的口感。灌汤包和虾饺蒸饺这类的蒸制食物,里面因为有可口的肉馅和汤汁,所以需要面皮紧致不吸汤,这样才能保证汤汁能被吃到;同时又要面皮足够柔软,容易 咀嚼。但是作为冷水的发面团,虽然很松软,但是面团里有很多蜂窝会吸收汤汁,就很难达到这个效果。同时,冷水面团揉出来的死面团,虽然不吸收汤汁,但是口感太劲道,不容易咀嚼,所以也不适合。 春饼也是需要柔软的口感,所以烫面最合适。
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