Monday 8 August 2016

Lemon Mini Cake 檸檬餅

檸檬餅 - 台湾伴手礼,結合西式蛋糕體與新鮮檸檬亦酸亦甜的清新香味,外層溶入微脆、濃郁的檸檬巧克力,咀嚼時的口感更是細緻微妙。

3 A egg yolks
90g LP flour
30ml lemon juice
35ml milk
30g corn oil
A pinch of salt
1/3 tsp vanilla extract

3 A egg whites
45-55g castor sugar

Glaze: (mix well)
150g white chocolate, melted
15ml lemon juice
few drop yellow food coloring
1. Whisk the egg white until bubble stage. Gradually add in sugar and continue beat until medium peak form.
2. In another bowl, mix egg yolks, oil, flour, salt, lemon juice and milk until well combined.
3. Fold 1/3 meringue into egg yolk mixture to lighten it. Fold in the remaining meringue using rubber spatula.
4. Pour batter into a cupcake pan.  Gently tap the cake pan on the table top to release air bubbles.
6. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 25-30 minutes or until cooked.
7. Remove from oven, invert cake on a wire rack and remove the cake after cool.
8. Dip the cake into melted white chocolate and allow any excess to drip off.
9. Chill before served.

*makes 15 cupcakes

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