Thursday 4 August 2016

Almond Honey Toast

50g LP flour
250g HP flour
30g ground almond
60g honey
3/4 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp yeast+ 165ml water
30g butter

1. Place the dry ingredients in a bowl. Put water in a cup and sprinkle the yeast on top, set aside for about 5 minutes, until the yeast begins to react. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients, then pour in the yeast mixture. Mix until a dough forms then knead for about 15-25 minutes until elastic. Cover with plastic wrap, set aside about 2-3 hours for ferment.

2.  Once dough has risen, place it on a floured surface, and knead lightly. Rest for 15 minutes.

3. Divide the dough into 2 portionsflatten each portions and roll up like a swiss roll, arrange in a greased square baking tray and let dough prove for second time (about 1-2 hrs).

4. Bake at 180 degree Celsius for 50 minutes till golden brown. Remove from oven and cool on wire rack. 
Toast Drawing
50g melted unsalted butter
50g caster sugar
50g beaten egg (about 1 medium size egg)
60g cake flour

food Colours / charcoal powder / cocoa powder / matcha powder / red yeast rice powder / black cocoa powder
1. Prepare the basic batter by mixing in all (A) ingredients in a bowl.
2. Divide them into small portions according to the character/image.
3.Then prepare the coloured batter by adding in food colours or powders etc.
4. Transfer the batter into small piping bags.
5. Place a sheet of good quality baking paper on top the design.
6. First use the darkest tone to complete all the outlines of the design.
7. Then fill in using the respective coloured batter.
8. Gently flip it onto a slice of toast. Lightly tap/press the design on the bread.
9. Bake into oven at 180C for 5mins.
10. Peel off the baking paper – and the illustration deco toast is completed!

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