Sunday 10 July 2016

Pandan Nyonya Huat Kueh

65-75g sugar 幼糖
170ml fresh coconut water 椰水
100g rice flour 粘米粉
1tsp instant yeast 酵母
1tbsp water水
1/3tsp apito pandan 班兰酱
1tsp pandan essence 班兰香精

15ml thick coconut milk 椰奶
1 tsp baking powder 发粉                                                                                                                                      

1. Stir sugar and coconut water until sugar melted.
2. In a bowl, mix the rice flour, RUM, panda essence/apito and coconut sugar water until well combined.
3. Strain through a strainer to remove any lumps.
4. Sprinkle yeast into water and let sit for 5 minutes to dissolve.
5. Add the yeast mixture into batter and mix well.
6. Covered the batter with wet tower and put aside to leaven for 2 - 2.5 hours where you will see the mixture full of small bubbles.
7. Stir in ingredients (B) coconut milk and baking powder, mix well.
8. Heat up the steamer, place small ceramic cups (greased with veg oil) 3-5 minutes until for heating up.
9. Pour the mixture into ceramic cups until 3/4 full.
10. Wipe steamer cover, covered with tower and steam for 15-20 minutes. (make sure there is no water vapour condensation so that the kuih will 'smile' beautifully.)
11. Remove from steamer to cool completely before dislodging kuih from mould.

*makes 12-14 mini ceramic cups
*can replace the apito pandan & essence with 2-3 pandan leave, blend with coconut water and sugar.

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