Monday 12 December 2016

Black Rice Toast

150g LP flour
450g HP flour
130g caster sugar
1 tsp salt
3 tsp yeast+ 50ml water
200ml milk
85g black glutinous rice + 170ml water=285g
50g butter

Topping: (mix well)
1 tbsp cooked glutinous flour
1/2 tbsp icing sugar
1/2-1tbsp roasted black sesame

1. Soak the black glutinous rice into water at least 4 hrs or overnight and drain it. Steam the rice with 1700ml water for 60-90min or until cooked. Reserved 220g and set aside to cool completely.

2. Place the dry ingredients in a bowl. Put 50ml water in a cup and sprinkle the yeast on top, set aside for about 5 minutes, until the yeast begins to react. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients, then pour in the yeast mixture. Mix until a dough forms then knead for about 15 or nearly elastic. Pour remaining water bit by bit and continue knead for 10 minutes until fully elastic. Cover with plastic wrap, set aside about 2-3 hours for ferment.

2.  Once dough has risen, place it on a floured surface, and knead lightly. Rest for 15 minutes.

3. Divide the dough into 3 portionsflatten each portions and roll up like a swiss roll, arrange in a greased square baking tray and let dough prove for second time (about 1-2 hrs).

4. Spray some water on top the dough and spread the topping on it. Bake at 180 degree Celsius for 55 minutes till golden brown. Remove from oven and cool on wire rack.

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