Monday 28 November 2016

Cinnamon Bread Cheesecake & White Toast

370g high protein flour
180g low protein flour
1 tsp salt
3 tsp instant yeast + 100ml water
225g full milk
50g butter

cinnamon sugar:  (each mix well)
30g soft butter
15g honey

45g light brown sugar
2g cinnamon powder
1. Place the dry ingredients in a bowl. Put water in a cup and sprinkle the yeast on top, set aside for about 5 minutes, until the yeast begins to react. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients, then pour in the yeast mixture. Mix until a dough forms then knead for about 20-30 minutes. Cover with plastic wrap, set aside about 2-3 hours for ferment.

2.  Once dough has risen, place it on a floured surface, and knead lightly. Rest for 15 minutes.

3. Divide the dough into half, 1 portion use for making white toast and last portion for making the cinnamon bread cheesecake.

4. For the cinnamon bread cheesecake: Flatten the dough about 8"*11".  Spread 3/4 of the dough with the soft butter honey, sprinkle the cinnamon sugar over the dough. Roll up like a swiss roll. Cut and divide the dough into 9 pcs about 1.5cm thick. Place into lined 7" square pan with baking paper @ bottom. Set aside and allow to rise for 30-45 min and prepare the cheesecake batter.

5. For the white toast: Divide the dough into 3 small equal portionsflatten each portions and roll up like a swiss roll, arrange in a greased baking tray and let dough prove for second time (about 1-2 hrs). Bake for 50-55 min @ 180C.
180g  cream cheese
20g caster sugar
30g butter
30g condensed milk
2 A eggs
1tbsp Corn flour
1tsp vanilla essence
65g sour cream
50ml milk

1. Beat cream cheese, sour cream, condensed milk, sugar and butter until smooth.
2. Add in eggs, milk, vanilla essence and corn flour and continue mix until well combined.
3. Drench over proof dough.
4. Bake in a preheated oven 180C for 25-30minutes. (*the magical thing during baking: the cheesecake batter will disappear from the top surface where it sick into the dough since the cinnamon bread is breaking out.)
5. Remove and cool completely. Chill for 4 hours before slice and serve.

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