Monday 7 November 2016

Cheese Custard Filling


130g cream cheese, soften
65g sour cream
30g +20g butter, soften and divided use 
75ml full milk
30g icing sugar
3g corn starch
35g beaten egg
some fine salt 


1. In a medium steel bowl, beat cream cheese, sugar, salt, sour cream and 30g butter until smooth.
2. Pour milk and egg into the mixture and mix until combined using low speed.
3. Place the bowl into a large, shallow pan/pot with barely simmering water. (bain marie method, to create a gentle and uniform heat for cooking custard) . Keep stirring and add corn starch into the mixture and stir till everything is melted and combined.
4. Keep cooking and stirring until the exact consistency desired. Remove from heat.
5. There may be some fine lumps and grainy bits in the custard, strain through a strainer will yield a more smooth custard. This is optional.
6. Let the cheese custard cool down slightly. Add 20g soften butter into mixture and mix well. Set aside. (if the consistency abit thick / to make lava texture, you may add 30-60ml milk to lighten the custard.)
7. May pipe into chocolate silicon mould and freeze until set to use for pau/bread filling.

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