Monday 7 December 2020

Chocolate Matcha Loaf


500g Japanese bread flour
120g caster sugar
60g milk powder
50g butter
250g water
7g instant yeast

Flavour A:
30g cocoa powder+ 40g water

Flavour B:
3tsp matcha powder+ 30g water

1.  Place all the ingredients and 250g water in a bowl.  Mix until a dough forms then continue knead for about 10 minutes.

2. Divide into two portions. First portion mix with flavour A and continue knead until elastic. Second portion mix with flavour B and continue knead until elastic.

3. Both cover with plastic wrap, set aside about 2 hours for ferment.

4. Once dough has risen, place each on a floured surface and knead lightly. Rest for 15 minutes.

5. Divide choc dough into 2 equal portions and flatten it. Repeat this step for matcha dough.

6. Attach matcha dough on the choc dough. Using roller to flatten it into a large rectangle shape. Roll it up like swiss roll. Pinch and seal the seam tightly. 

7. Arrange and place in two greased loaf pans and let dough prove for second time (about 1 hrs)

8. Bake @ 170C for 40-45min. Remove from oven and cool completely.

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