Monday 18 December 2017

Portuguese Tarts

1 of 起酥面皮/pastry dough  

Egg custard Filling:
250g heavy cream
250g full milk
2 tbsp condensed milk
4 B & 2 A egg yolks
80g caster sugar
25g LP flour


1. Roll out the puff pastry into 4mm thick. Cut out pastry according to the size of your tart moulds. (cover with plastic wrap for the rest of the dough)

2. Line dough in the middle of tart moulds, one by one. Lightly press the dough with your thumb. Starting from the bottom then top to the side (dough must higher than tart mould 1cm). While pressing the dough, turn the tart mould clockwise/ anti- clockwise in order to make an even tart pastry. (Remove any air burble by using toothpick if found inside the bottom mould), rest for another 2 hrs.

3. custard: Heat heavy cream, milk, condensed milk and sugar in low heat until sugar melted. Stir occasionally. Remove from heat and let cool slightly. Add in egg yolks and flour and mix until combined. Pass the egg mixture through a sieve to remove big lump.

4. Preheat oven 180C. Pour egg mixture 7-8% full into tart shells and bake for 25 mins. Transfer to bottom heat only for the another 7-10 minutes to make sure bottom part is fully brown/crispy. Transfer to top heat only for another 5-8 minutes to create roasted effect.

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